How to Make a DIY Spy Camera with an Old Smartphone

The Benefits of Creating Your Own Spy Camera

Spy cameras can be incredibly useful for capturing footage of people or events without being noticed. They are often used for security purposes, but can also be useful for surveillance or even just as a fun project. While you could purchase a spy camera, creating your own is not only more affordable but also allows you to customize it to fit your specific needs.

By using an old smartphone, you can easily turn it into a discreet spy camera that can capture high-quality video and images. Not only will this save you money, but it will also reduce electronic waste by repurposing an old device instead of throwing it away.

There are many benefits to creating your own DIY spy camera with an old smartphone. For example:

– You have complete control over the camera’s positioning and recording settings – You can potentially catch important footage that would have otherwise gone unnoticed

– It’s a great way to learn about technology and electronics – You’ll have a one-of-a-kind gadget that’s both practical and unique

The Concept of a DIY Spy Camera with an Old Smartphone

The concept of turning an old smartphone into a spy camera might seem daunting if you’re not tech-savvy, but it’s actually quite easy to do. Essentially, you’ll be downloading an app onto the phone that will allow it to record video and audio without displaying any indication on the screen that it is recording. Before getting started, there are some things to consider when choosing which smartphone to use for this project.

The phone should have a good-quality camera and enough storage space to store video recordings. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure the phone is fully charged before beginning.

Once you’ve chosen your smartphone and prepared it for use as a spy camera, installing the app and setting up your camera will be the next steps. With just a few simple steps, you’ll have your very own DIY spy camera that can capture high-quality footage without raising any suspicion.

Choosing the Right Smartphone

The Perfect Phone for a DIY Spy Camera

Before choosing an old smartphone to use for your DIY spy camera project, there are certain features you should consider. First, you want to find a phone with a high-quality camera. The higher the resolution, the clearer your footage will be.

The phone’s battery life is also important since it will need to be charged less frequently. You’ll also want to make sure that the phone has enough storage space so that you can save all your footage.

Compatible Models

There are plenty of compatible models available on both Android and iOS platforms. For Android, the Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6, Nexus 6P, LG G4 and HTC One M8 are all great options due to their quality cameras and long-lasting batteries.

For iOS devices, iPhone 5S or newer models will work well. These phones also have reliable Wi-Fi and cellular data connectivity which is necessary for remote access of your footage.

Budget Options

If you’re on a budget or don’t want to spend too much money on an old smartphone for this project, there are still plenty of options available. You can check out online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon where you can find used smartphones at cheaper prices than new ones. Just make sure that they meet all of the necessary requirements mentioned above before making a purchase.

Add-On Features

Some smartphones come with additional features like night vision mode or motion detection which could be useful when used as a spy camera in low-light conditions or when detecting movement in an area of interest. If these features are important to you, look for compatible models that include them such as the Motorola Droid Turbo 2 which comes with night vision mode or the HTC One M9 which has motion detection capabilities built-in. Overall, choosing the right old smartphone for your DIY spy camera project is crucial to ensure that you capture high-quality footage without any disruptions.

Take some time to research and compare models based on the features mentioned above and choose one that fits your budget and needs. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to properly prepare your smartphone before installing a spy camera app.

Preparing Your Smartphone

How to reset and clean your old smartphone

Before starting the project, it’s essential to reset and clean your old smartphone. This is important because you don’t want any of your personal data or previous apps interfering with the spy camera app that you will install later on.

To do this on an Android phone, go to Settings > System > Reset options > Erase all data (factory reset). For an iPhone, go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase all content and settings.

Once you’ve reset your phone, make sure to remove any protective cases or screen protectors that could obstruct the camera lens. Use a soft cloth or microfiber towel to gently wipe down the phone’s surface and remove any dust or debris.

Detail the importance of ensuring that it is fully charged

It’s crucial to ensure that your old smartphone is fully charged before setting up as a DIY spy camera. You don’t want it dying halfway through recording footage, especially if it’s in a discreet location where you can’t easily access it. After resetting and cleaning the phone, give it some time to recharge fully.

Ideally, leave it plugged in for several hours or overnight if possible. Once it’s charged up, turn off any unnecessary features such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to conserve battery life.

It’s also important to note that depending on where you decide to place your spy camera, charging cables may not be convenient or even feasible. Therefore having a fully charged device will allow for longer periods of recording without needing an external power source.

Making sure your old smartphone has been cleaned and restored back its factory settings ensures there won’t be interference from other apps that might affect the performance of the spy camera app you will install later on. Additionally making sure that your device has enough juice will save you time from having to recharge or potentially losing important footage.

Installing a Spy Camera App

Introducing Various Spy Camera Apps

When it comes to spy camera apps, there are plenty of options to choose from. Both Android and iOS platforms offer a range of apps that can turn your old smartphone into an effective and discreet spy camera. Some popular options include Alfred, iSpyoo, and IP Webcam.

Alfred is a free app that allows you to monitor live video feeds from your smartphone’s camera over the internet. It comes equipped with motion detection capabilities and can send instant alerts to your primary device when it detects any movement in the monitoring area.

iSpyoo, on the other hand, is a more advanced paid app that offers features such as remote audio recording and GPS tracking. It also enables you to access live video feeds through its web portal or SMS command.

IP Webcam is another popular app that converts your Android device into an IP webcam with multiple viewing options. The app records footage in WebM, MOV or MPEG4 (only on Android 4.1+) format with excellent quality.

Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Download and Install a Chosen App

Once you have decided on the spy camera app you want to use, downloading and installing it onto your old phone is relatively straightforward:

Step 1: Open up the Google Play Store or Apple App Store on your old smartphone.

Step 2: Search for your chosen spy camera app.

Step 3: Click on “install” or “get” (depending on whether it’s an Android or iOS device).

Step 4: Allow permissions like microphone access etc.

Step 5: Launch the app once it has been downloaded successfully. Once installed, follow any additional instructions provided by the app developer before setting up and mounting your DIY spy camera in place.

Overall, installing a spy camera app onto your old smartphone needn’t be difficult. With a bit of patience and due diligence, you can quickly and easily transform your old device into a powerful surveillance tool that will give you peace of mind when you need it most.

Setting Up Your Spy Camera

Positioning and Mounting Your Smartphone in a Discreet Location

One of the most important aspects of creating a DIY spy camera is ensuring that it is not easily detectable. The first step towards achieving this is positioning and mounting your smartphone in a discreet location. One great spot for placement can be behind furniture such as bookshelves or couches.

Additionally, you can consider using everyday objects such as tissue boxes or planters to hide the device. When deciding on the position for your spy camera, make sure it has a clear view of its surroundings.

This will allow it to capture all the footage you need without being noticed. You should also ensure that it is at an optimal distance from its target so that you get high-quality footage.

Once you have determined the right spot, mount your smartphone using double-sided tape or Velcro strips. This will help secure it in place so it does not move around or fall off.

Hiding Wires and Blending into Surroundings

Another crucial aspect of creating a DIY spy camera is hiding any wires associated with the device as well as making sure that it blends into its surroundings. You do not want people to notice any suspicious wires leading to your smartphone, as this can give away its location.

To avoid this issue, use wireless charging if possible to limit cables coming out from the device. You can also hide cables by running them through walls or along baseboards if needed.

As far as blending into surroundings go, consider using phone cases with designs similar to nearby furniture or decor items. In general, try to match colors and textures when choosing how to disguise your spy camera.

When hiding your DIY spy camera set-up, make sure you test different positions and lighting conditions beforehand so that you can adjust accordingly before securing everything in place. By taking these precautions ahead of time, you will be able to create a spy camera that is not only functional but also discreet.

Accessing Your Footage

Connecting to Wi-Fi and Cellular Data Networks

Once your DIY spy camera is set up and recording footage, you might want to check in on what’s happening when you’re not around. Luckily, accessing your footage is easy – as long as your smartphone is connected to a Wi-Fi or cellular data network. To connect to a Wi-Fi network, simply make sure the smartphone has the network’s name and password saved.

Once it’s connected, you can use any device with internet access to view the footage remotely. If you plan on using cellular data instead of Wi-Fi, make sure your phone has an active data plan and enough available data for streaming video.

Viewing Options

Now that you’re connected to the internet, it’s time to decide how to view your footage. Some spy camera apps allow you to view live video feeds from within the app itself. Others will send notifications or email alerts when motion is detected, along with a link where you can view saved footage.

If your chosen app doesn’t have built-in viewing capabilities, don’t worry – there are plenty of options for accessing video feeds remotely. You could use another smartphone or tablet with the same app installed, or even log in via a web browser on any computer.

Storing and Saving Footage

Of course, once you’ve accessed your footage remotely, it’s important that you have a way of saving it for later viewing if needed. Many spy camera apps will automatically save recorded videos directly onto the phone’s storage system or external SD card.

However, if your app doesn’t offer this feature or if it fills up quickly due to high-quality video files being created by default settings then there are other options available too: saving videos onto cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive; transferring files via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – a method of transferring files over the internet; or using third-party software to save the video onto your computer’s hard drive. Whatever method you choose, make sure you’re comfortable with it and that you have enough storage space available for all your recordings.


Being able to access footage remotely is one of the biggest benefits of creating your own DIY spy camera with an old smartphone. With so many apps and viewing options available, it’s easy to keep an eye on your home or office from afar. And by choosing the right storage option for your needs, you can rest assured that all footage will be safely saved for future use if needed.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Connectivity Issues

One of the most common issues that people face when setting up a DIY spy camera with an old smartphone is connectivity. It can be frustrating to set up your camera, only to find out that it won’t connect to your Wi-Fi network or cellular data.

If you’re facing this issue, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure that your smartphone’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned on.

Sometimes, smartphones will automatically turn off these features after a certain period of time to conserve battery life. If they’re turned off, it’ll be impossible for the phone to connect to any network.

If turning on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth doesn’t work, try resetting your network settings. This will remove all saved Wi-Fi networks and passwords from your phone, so you’ll need to reconnect everything from scratch.

To do this on an iPhone, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. For Android devices, go to Settings > System > Reset options > Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth.

Low Battery Life

Since you’re using an old smartphone as a DIY spy camera, it’s likely that the battery won’t last very long before needing a recharge. However, there are some ways you can extend the battery life if you’re having trouble keeping it charged.

First and foremost: turn off any unnecessary apps or features on the phone. Close any apps running in the background and disable GPS location tracking if possible—the less power being used by other processes means more power available for recording video.

Another tip is to lower the screen brightness as much as possible while still being able to see what’s happening in front of the camera. The screen is one of the biggest drains on battery life so reducing its use can help extend how long your device lasts between charges.

App Issues

If you’re having trouble with the spy camera app you downloaded, there are a few things to try before giving up on it completely. First, make sure that the app is compatible with your smartphone’s operating system.

If it isn’t, there’s a chance that it won’t work properly. Another thing to try is uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

Sometimes, an app can become corrupted or buggy and need to be reset. To do this on an iPhone, press and hold down on the app icon until it starts shaking then tap the X in the corner to delete it.

For Android devices go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App info > [app] > Uninstall. If all else fails, try searching for alternative spy camera apps in your phone’s app store or online forums for ideas on other apps that have worked well for people in similar situations.

Storage Issues

Depending on how much footage you’re recording each day, your phone’s storage might fill up quickly. This can cause issues with recording new footage when there isn’t enough space left on the device. To fix this issue, consider storing your footage in cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox instead of keeping everything locally on your phone.

Alternatively, transfer old recordings off of your phone onto another device like a laptop or external hard drive so you can create more space for new recordings. By troubleshooting these common issues and finding solutions that work for you, you’ll be able to set up a DIY spy camera with an old smartphone successfully without any hiccups along the way!


Creating your own DIY spy camera with an old smartphone can be a fun and rewarding project that offers numerous benefits. For one, it allows you to repurpose an old phone that may have otherwise gone to waste. Additionally, it can save you money compared to purchasing a pre-made spy camera device.

With the right smartphone and spy camera app, you can easily turn your old phone into a discreet surveillance system. You’ll be able to remotely access footage and keep an eye on your home or office while you’re away.

Plus, if you ever need to move the camera to a new location or change the angle, it’s easy to do so. Another benefit of creating your own DIY spy camera is the customization options available.

You can choose from multiple apps depending on what features are most important to you. Some apps offer motion detection capabilities or allow for live streaming of footage.

Plus, by mounting the phone in different locations and experimenting with angles, you can find the perfect spot for optimal coverage. Overall, making your own DIY spy camera is a fun project that offers numerous benefits beyond just having an extra security measure in place.

It’s eco-friendly, cost-effective, customizable and easy-to-use once set up properly! So grab your old smartphone and get started on creating your very own surveillance system today!

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