How to Make Your Home Look Occupied When You’re Away

The Importance of Making Your Home Look Occupied When You’re Away

Going on vacation is one of the most exciting experiences life has to offer. Unfortunately, it can also be stressful when leaving your home behind.

The last thing you want to worry about while soaking up the sun or exploring a new city is whether your home is secure. That’s why making your home look occupied when you’re away is essential.

Not only does it provide peace of mind, but it also helps deter burglars from targeting your property. There are several reasons why burglars target unoccupied homes.

First, empty homes make for easy targets since there is no one around to deter them or call the authorities. Additionally, if a burglar notices that a house appears vacant for an extended period, it signals that there may be valuables inside that are worth stealing.

The Benefits of Making Your Home Look Occupied When You’re Away

The benefits of making your home look occupied when you’re away are abundant. For starters, it provides peace of mind knowing that your home is less likely to be targeted by burglars.

Additionally, if you have pets at home, making sure they have the illusion that someone is still around can help reduce their separation anxiety. Moreover, creating the illusion of someone being at home can also help prevent property damage caused by natural disasters or accidents such as electrical fires or water leaks.

If someone discovers an unoccupied house with obvious signs such as an overgrown lawn and mailbox overflowing with mail and packages piled up on the porch – this will signal neglect which might draw unwanted attention. It’s better to take measures now and implement steps that will ensure protection against any incident in advance.

– having a well-maintained house will increase its value over time which makes investing in these smart home upgrades a wise decision. It’s a small price to pay for the peace of mind and benefits that come with making your home look occupied when you’re away.

Set the Scene

Leave curtains open or closed?

One of the first things you should consider when making your home look occupied when you’re away is whether to leave your curtains open or closed. Some people believe that leaving the curtains open can make it look like someone is still living in the home. However, others argue that leaving them closed can prevent burglars from peering inside and potentially targeting your home.

The best solution might be to compromise by leaving some curtains open and some closed. For example, if you have a large window at the front of your house, consider closing those curtains to prevent anyone from being able to see in.

However, for smaller windows or those located in the back of your home, leave them open so that it appears as though someone is still living there.

Leave lights on or off?

Another important consideration when making your home look occupied is whether to leave lights on or off. While leaving a light on can create the illusion of someone being home, it’s not always practical – especially if you’re going away for an extended period of time. Instead, consider using timers for your lights and electronics.

You can purchase simple timers that plug into an outlet and turn lights on and off at specific times throughout the day. This not only makes it appear as though someone is living in the home but also saves energy by ensuring that unnecessary lights are not left on 24/7.

Use timers for lights and electronics

In addition to using timers for your lights, also consider using them for other electronics such as TVs and radios. These devices can create additional noise and activity within the home – further adding to the illusion that someone is still living there.

When choosing which electronics to use with a timer, think about which rooms would typically be occupied during certain times of day. For example, you might want to have the TV turn on in the living room in the evening and then switch to a different room later at night.

Similarly, you might want to have a radio playing during the day but turn off at night when people would likely be sleeping. By strategically using timers for your electronics, you can create a more realistic portrayal of someone still living in your home.

Overall, setting the scene is an important part of making your home look occupied when you’re away. By leaving curtains partially open and strategically using timers for lights and electronics, you can create an illusion that someone is still living in the home – deterring potential burglars from targeting your property.

Create the Illusion of Life

Pause mail and newspaper delivery

One of the most obvious signs that a house is vacant is a pile of uncollected mail or newspapers. To prevent this from happening, you should contact your local post office and ask them to stop mail delivery while you’re away. Most post offices offer this service for free, and it’s an effective way to make your home look occupied.

If you receive newspapers delivered to your doorstep, contact the distributor and ask them to suspend delivery until you return. Alternatively, you could ask a neighbor or friend to collect your mail and newspapers for you while you’re away.

Ask a neighbor to park in your driveway

If you have a trusted neighbor who has a car, ask them if they would be willing to park their vehicle in your driveway while you’re on vacation. This can give the impression that someone is home and deter potential burglars from targeting your property.

If none of your neighbors are able to park in your driveway, consider leaving one of your cars there instead. This is also a great way to keep it safe while you’re away.

Have someone mow your lawn

An overgrown lawn can signal that no one is home. If possible, arrange for someone to mow it regularly during your absence. If hiring a professional isn’t an option, consider asking a neighbor or family member if they’d be willing to do it for you.

If neither option works out, invest in an automatic lawnmower or set up sprinklers on timers so that the grass stays green and trimmed. This will create the illusion that someone is still living at home.

The Bottom Line

Creating the illusion of life when no one’s home can be crucial in deterring burglars from targeting our homes. By taking these simple steps, you can make it less obvious that your house is empty while you’re out of town.

Remember to leave a key with someone you trust so that they can enter your home in case of an emergency. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation without worrying about the safety of your property.

Security Measures

Install a Security System with Cameras and Motion Sensors

One of the best ways to make your home look occupied is to install a security system with cameras and motion sensors. Not only will this help deter burglars, but it will also give you peace of mind while you’re away. You can monitor your home via your smartphone or computer, which means you can check in on things whenever you want.

When choosing a security system, make sure to choose one that has cameras that are visible from the outside. This way, potential burglars will know that your home is protected and they’ll be less likely to attempt a break-in.

Also, consider getting motion sensors for the inside of your home. If someone does manage to break in, the motion sensors will alert authorities immediately.

Have Someone Check on Your Home Periodically

Another way to make your home look occupied is to have someone check on it periodically while you’re away. This could be a trusted friend or family member who lives nearby or a professional house-sitting service. They can collect your mail, water plants, and generally keep an eye on things.

If you don’t feel comfortable having someone stay in your house while you’re away, ask them just stop by every few days instead. Give them instructions about turning lights off and on at different times so they don’t follow a predictable pattern.

Don’t Announce Your Absence on Social Media

It may be tempting to share vacation photos and updates about how much fun you’re having on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. However, doing so can actually put your home at risk for burglary because people with ill intentions may see that as an opportunity to break into an empty house.

Instead of announcing your absence publicly online, wait until after you get back from vacation before sharing photos and stories about your trip. Alternatively, you could create a private group or message those who need to know that you’re away from home.


Taking steps to secure your home while you’re away can give you peace of mind and help deter burglars. By installing a security system with cameras and motion sensors, having someone check on your home periodically, and avoiding announcing your absence on social media; you can make it appear as though someone is always at home. Remember that no matter how secure your home is, it’s important to take all the necessary precautions when leaving it unoccupied for an extended period of time.

Additional Tips

Leave a pair of shoes by the door

Leaving a pair of shoes by the front door is a simple and effective way to make your home look occupied. It gives the impression that someone is coming and going from the house daily.

It’s important to choose a pair of shoes that you would typically wear, so they appear authentic. If you’re worried about your expensive or favorite shoes being stolen, consider leaving an old pair in their place.

Put away valuables out of sight

It’s always a good idea to put away any valuable items out of sight when you’re away from home for an extended period. This includes jewelry, electronics, and other high-value items. You don’t want to give burglars any reason to break into your home, so it’s best to keep these items in a safe or hidden location until you return.

Consider storing them in unusual places like behind books on bookshelves or in fake food containers in the pantry. The goal is to make it difficult for intruders to find anything valuable if they do manage to break-in.

Consider getting a dog

Dogs are excellent deterrents against burglars because they bark at unexpected noises and strangers approaching the house. They also give the impression that someone is at home since dogs require feeding and care. Additionally, certain breeds are known as watchdogs because they have protective instincts towards their owners and their property.

If you’re not ready for the full-time commitment of owning a dog, consider looking into dog-sitting services. These services offer short-term dog care while you’re away on vacation or business trips.

Bonus Tip: Install Smart Home Devices

Installing smart home devices such as smart lights or cameras can help make your home look occupied when you’re not there physically. Smart lights can be programmed to turn on and off at specific times, giving the impression that someone is home.

Smart cameras can also be viewed remotely from a mobile device, allowing you to keep an eye on your property while you’re away. Incorporating these additional tips can greatly increase the perceived occupancy of your home while you’re away.

Don’t forget that the goal is to deter intruders and make them think twice about breaking in. With a few simple tricks and preparation, you can leave for vacation with peace of mind knowing your home is safe.


Recap importance of making your home look occupied when you’re away

In today’s world, the need for security is more important than ever before. Burglary can happen to anyone, and it can happen anytime.

By implementing the tips provided in this article, you can make your home appear occupied and deter potential burglars from targeting your property. Remember that burglars often target homes that appear empty because it’s easier to break in without being caught.

So, by making your home look occupied when you’re away on vacation or traveling for work, you are taking an essential step towards protecting your home and belongings. Remember to leave lights on timers or use smart bulbs that connect with your smartphone so they can be turned on remotely.

Consider asking a neighbor or friend to pick up mail and newspapers so they don’t pile up outside your door. Consider installing a security system that includes cameras and motion sensors for added peace of mind.

Encourage readers to implement these tips for peace of mind while traveling

We all love a good vacation or business trip, but leaving our homes unattended can be stressful. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can significantly reduce the risk of burglary while enjoying some time away from home. It may seem overwhelming at first, but keep in mind that implementing these tips does not have to be expensive or time-consuming.

Simple things like leaving a pair of shoes by the door and putting valuable items out of sight are easy ways to make it look like someone is still around even if they are not. By taking these steps now, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy yourself without worrying about what’s happening back at home.

So why not start today? Be proactive about your safety by implementing these tips as soon as possible!

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